As I was in my prayer corner today, sitting and talking with God . Having a nice conversation about how far He's brought me and how I can see how different of a person I am, thanks to His love.
In the same frame of thought, I've come to realize I owed our Father an apology.
See, the other day while studying psalm 144:3 that led me to
Job 7:17 "What is mankind that you make so much of them, that you give them so much attention,"
I came across a scripture in the bible the old me highlighted,
Job 6:11 "what strength do I have, that I should hope? And what is my end, that I should prolong my life? "NKJV
And I began to remember her. How she would plan to take her life and fail time after time after time. And because clearly God wasn't letting her stop her pain, she would cut herself to make what she was feeling in comparison feel like well...nothing .
How deep shame felt after being caught meant that the cuts had to be deeper and better hidden. How being made fun of because of them by classmates and rejected by family aided in further false attempts I.E bulimia, starvation, over use of my inhaler (I heard somewhere it could make my lungs explode)...yes, the worse. I know.
God was working to save my life while the enemy was grinding hard to convince me to pick an opportune time to end it.
One night I had a dream, so vivid. Christ and I was racing on horses amongst the clouds having an amazing time. Then it came to take a break. He's like "we need to talk" I'm like uh oh. Trying to think of which sin in me is He about to address. (Because if you've ever had Christ look at you, you know it feels like you're glass, see-through, naked. Like, your heart is exposed and He can see the darkness in you as well as the good )
All He said was, "Marissa, I love you. "
And hugged me. I cried.
Pretty sure I woke up crying to and ran to tell my dad.
Now back to the apology. My thoughts were rude after reading Job 6:11.
I thought to myself "why did He save me, anyway? To get me to this time in my life, for what? What's different? "
I know I know. Rude.
As I prayed and spoke to God and was reminded of His goodness. Reminded of who I once was and the state of mind I was in. I NEEDED to apologize.
Anyone who knew me then as that Marissa and know me now, God has done wonders on me, my mind and outlook on life.
I am so far from her of 2006-07 .
So to have the audacity to think such a thought, "Lord, forgive the words of my lips that blaspheme You name. "
So often we forget just how GOOD God has been to us. We stop thanking Him for the wonders He's done in our lives.
All I've ever wanted & needed, was true unconditional love. Then, everyone wanted things from me that literally took from who I was.
For Christ to show up and show out just to spend a little time with me whilst running all creation, just to make sure I knew without a doubt that He loves me.
Changed my life.
He still does things like that.
I'll mention them in other posts.
Forever Grateful.
Job 7:17
Psalms 144 1-4
- 7:05 PM