Who's the fairest of them all?
5:36 PMWelp, this is me. Being the dork I am. Someone told me to take a picture of myself laughing/smiling because they think that's when I look most beautiful. however, I looked at the photo and said "ew, my cheeks are so chunky!" Lol
Then, I was asked how does someone like myself, who wants to model, have so many insecurities. All I could think was "even barbie has her flaws". After a while, I really thought about it. When I was younger I was always called ugly and back then, I pointed out to myself everything I thought was beautiful about me. However, now that I've grown into my features and continuously receive compliments, I point out things I don't find so attractive. Weird right? Maybe its my way of keeping myself humble . I don't think I'm ugly. I actually happen to think I'm beautiful, but NO more or less than other women. I just dont want to allow what others' opinion of my apperance effect what I think of myself.
That's something I see everyday. The media telling women what they "should" look like and if they dont fit that cookie cutter apperance than they're unattractive. Which is why you have women getting plastic surgery, bleaching their skin, and starving themselves . Whatever you are NATURALLY, whether its skinny, on the plus side, dark or light, really short or really tall be that. Its BEAUTIFUL.
I once heard someone say "God is too creative for everyone to be the same." Why are you breaking your neck to look like someone else who isn't any more (or less) beautiful than you are!
* I am in no way dismissing makeup. Wear it. I do! I love the different colors. However, there's a difference when changing your apperance because someone think something about you is a flaw. *